How to Turnover Your Vacation Rental Property
A fast turnover rate is valuable because more bookings equals more money. As a vacation rental owner, you want to organize your bookings to maximize profit. Organization and fast turnovers prepare your property for the next guest.
What Days Should Guests Checkout?
If you’ve vacationed before, guests are offered check-in and check-out dates. As the vacation rental owner, you have the power to decide what these dates are. This gives you the organization to schedule your turnover services and prepare the rental.
Some rentals write, “Turnover any.” This means that guests have the power to pick any dates for check-in and check-out. If you hire services with flexible schedules, you can also offer this. Keep in mind, that offering consistent dates makes managing your property and turnovers easier.
According to one article, the most popular booking dates are Saturday to Saturday. They found that 85% of guests left on Saturdays, making it the most popular turnover day.
Sunday follows with a 12% checkout date. Friday was less popular at 2.2%. The rest of the weekdays tallied 1% as a check-in/check-out date.
With this information in mind, schedule your bookings for the most popular days. Have your guests check out in the morning. This allows your services to clean the property before your new guests arrive.
Scheduling around your target audience’s preferences means you will increase your bookings. This will make it easier to prepare for your next guests.
Schedule Your Services on Checkout Day
As soon as your guests check out, your services should be on their way. Scheduling your guests to check out in the morning gives your services most of the afternoon to work.
Cleaning Service
Hiring a third-party cleaning service is one of the most important vacation rental services. Your cleaning service will reset your property for the next guests.
Each cleaning company offers different services. Make sure you hire one that works best for your rental needs. Depending on your type of property, cleaning services can include:
- Dusting and vacuuming all necessary areas
- Mopping all necessary areas
- Cleaning appliances and cabinets (interior and exterior)
- Disinfecting kitchens and bathrooms
- Clean toilets, showers, and vanity
- Empty and replace garbage bags
- Washing windows and mirrors
- Making beds
- Laundering bedding and towels
- And more
Hire the Best Service for Your Rental Needs
Remember, maid services and larger cleaning services differ. Maids generally work during the day. They can also complete their jobs if the rental property is still occupied. If you need other areas of your home cleaned, they will charge an extra fee. Maid services are usually small teams or individual workers.
Larger cleaning services clean the interior and exterior of properties. They work during hours that are best for your schedule. Larger cleaning services offer teams of people who clean your property faster.
Each service offers specific items to assist with your property’s turnover.
Schedule Landscaping Services
The cleanliness of your rental property is the number one priority. Your property’s first impression impacts a renter’s experience. This begins the minute they pull up to your property. That’s why it is important to also schedule landscaping services.
You can schedule these services on check-out dates, or during a renter’s stay. If landscapers come during a guest's stay, make sure it is when they are away. Nothing ruins a peaceful afternoon by the pool more than a lawnmower’s noise.
Your landscaper’s services include:
- Raking and mulching
- Mowing
- Trimming and shaping bushes/trees
- Digging and planting
- Other grounds-keeping
Think about the time between each guest's check-in and check-out. A large landscaping team can mow, bag, and edge your property (depending on the size) in under an hour. Yet if you would like them to plant new flowers and trees, consider hiring them during a longer break. For example, during the offseason when bookings are slower.
Note: If you hire a service to treat your lawn with chemicals, schedule days in advance. Chemical smells and limited outdoor time have negative effects on your guest's experience.
Scheduling a Repairman
Your cleaning service may notice damage to your property. This may require hiring a repairman. Inform your cleaning service to complete a walkthrough of your property first. They can assess any damage before they start to clean. This gives more time for the repairman to arrive and fix the problem.
Communication between many services allows everyone to complete their job. This creates a quicker property turnover.
Note: If there is an emergency repair too close to your guest's arrival, send your guests to dinner or a show. This will allow the repairman to continue working.
A special surprise for your guests should smother any anger with the delayed check-in.
How Do You Turnover Your Rental Property?
Using technology to streamline your services assists with your rental’s turnover. Hire the best services for your property. Schedule your services to ensure rental perfection for your new guests.
What do you do to have faster turnovers? Share this on social media with your comments and thoughts.
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